Meditation to bless yourself

Image with gratitude to Faye Cornish at Unsplash

Image with gratitude to Faye Cornish at Unsplash


If you cannot bless yourself, then nobody can bless you.”
- Yogi Bhajan

When you bless yourself you are wishing yourself well, wishing yourself happiness and good things in your life. For some people this can be a really hard thing to do, and if this is the case for you, this is the practice for you!

This is a wonderful meditation to bless yourself - the whole of you, whether you believe you deserve it or not. It is an unconditional blessing of yourself, including all the painful, shameful parts of you that are what make you human.
You will find as you learn to bless yourself that you will begin to blossom from the happiness it creates. As you bless yourself you will find it blesses others. And as you bless others you will feel completely blessed.

If you are feeling depressed, first thing when you wake in the morning put your hand on your head and bless yourself.

Instructions: Sit in Easy Pose (cross legged or on a chair, hips higher than knees) with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock (lift the chest slightly and pull the chin back towards the neck lengthening the back of the neck).
Raise both arms out to the sides parallel to the ground, bend the elbows so that the forearms come to a 90 degree angle, fingers spread slightly and pointing to the sky. Palms facing forward.

Chant Humee hum Brahm hum as follows:

Humee Hum - Touch the top of your head with the left hand, blessing yourself.

Brahm Hum - Return to the starting position.

Eyes: Focused at the tip of the nose.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes. If this feels too challenging for you, begin with 5 minutes and increase by a minute every couple of days. When it feels painful, bless the pain :-)

To End: Inhale, hold the breath, tighten the spine, and stiffen the left hand. Pull the energy of the spine into the left hand. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.

Do this meditation for 40, 90 or 120 days and see what happens!

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

― Aberjhani

©The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

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