Enquiry meditation to understand yourself
Enquiry meditation to understand yourself
Enquiry in meditation uses a method of dropping questions into the meditative space and waiting to see how the experience changes. It can bring a lot of insight. This meditation takes you through questions on who you are, what you want and what you need to help you understand yourself better.
Length: 17 mins
With this meditation when you drop in a question, sometimes thoughts or images may arise, sometimes a feeling comes, sometimes there’s a sense of energy moving, and sometimes a sense of resistance may arise, a tightening in the body and mind. Sometimes you may notice nothing at all. All of this is completely fine. The most important thing with an enquiry practice is to keep asking the questions, listening to the experience, breathing and waiting with a sense of endless patience. So much of the time in our day to day lives we are rushing and pushing ourselves. This is a practice in asking, and giving ourselves time - what a gift!