A gentle rain of kindness


Kundalini yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. The practices (kriyas) creates a lot of energy that we channel up the spine using a muscle lock called the Mulbhand or Root Lock. And you get an increased sense of being conscious. You feel more awake in yourself and more aware of yourself.
But with awareness, it is not just the looking, it is the way that you look and the intention with which you look that really makes the difference. .As you develop your awareness you need to be aware of how you are looking and why.


Because your intention and the way you look colours and shapes what you see. It changes what you see. It changes what you experience and it can be in a very dramatic way.

When things don’t go the way you want, when your body doesn’t flex as much as you think it should, when you can’t keep going as long as other people, when you can’t do something at all. If you can look with compassion and kindness and have kindness as your intention, everything softens within awareness. And in the softening it opens up potential. More things become possible. You start to appreciate what you can do. You start to appreciate yourself. You will probably start to smile and have fun!

When you look with judgement, or comparing, irritation, or hate what you see will become harder and more polarised. Your physical body will tense up with resistance, making the exercises even harder and It becomes a miserable experience. And if you notice this happening (and it does to all of us!) come back to the breath coming right down into the belly, breathe for a few breaths, soften the face and the shoulders. And remind yourself of your intention.

I am who I am
I am how I am right now
I hold myself with kindness and appreciation
And all of me is included

And feel what happens within.

Today we will be setting this intention of kindness, compassion and appreciation towards ourselves at the beginning of the Kundalini Yoga for Relationships Course.

And why not set this intention every day for the next 40 days and see what happens. Kindness and appreciation can transform your life. You will blossom like a flower under the gentle rain of kindness and sunshine of appreciation. And the best thing. You don’t need to change or fix yourself. You can be kind towards everything that isn’t kind within yourself.

"The only favorable action for your own success in human life is to be kind. Before you become kind to somebody else, become kind to yourself. You will achieve excellence.” -Yogi Bhajan

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