My Background
I was lucky enough to be professionally trained as a coach with my old employer John Lewis. And then lucky enough to get to coach people! It really is wonderful to coach someone, go on a journey through the ups and downs towards their goal and see them grow in so many different ways. To see their beliefs about who they are and what they can do change. It is so inspiring!
My coaching style is calm, curious, compassionate and non-judgemental with a dash of humour. I want to find out who you are and who you could be! What is most important to me is that you feel in a safe place to take a good honest look at where you are and where you want to be, and at who you are and who you want to be.
65 Accredited Coach-Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) which are taken from the Accredited Coach Training Programme (ACTP) run by Coaching Development Ltd.
Numerous (and ongoing) CPD programs on a variety of subjects including beliefs and values, psychic distance, representations, symbols and objects, serious play, clean language, somatics, neurodiversity.
"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you will be traveling the road of who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey."
/ Ambrose Redmoon /
Photo thanks to Xan Griffin at Unsplash
About Coaching
Coaching is all about the relationship, you can have the most excellent experienced coach but if the relationship doesn’t work it’s the wrong coach for you. So how do you know if the relationship is right? For me these are the most important things
Trust and honesty. You need to feel over the first few sessions that you can be honest with your coach about how you are and who you are and what you think. The sort of things that can make you feel vulnerable or emotional. So you need to trust that your coach isn’t going to judge you and is going to continue to respect you and believe in you. You also need to be able to say what is working for you and what isn’t. So that the coaching relationship evolves too and becomes more effective for you.
Listening. A good coach spends the vast majority of their time listening, reflecting and questioning in order to understand. They don’t bring themselves into it and they don’t judge what you say or who you are.
Clarity. A good coaching relationship will mean that you feel more clear about where you are now, where you want to get to and how you are going to get there. An excellent coaching relationship will also along the journey bring clarity about the meaning of your goal and what your values and beliefs are and unlock new beliefs about who you are and who you could be.
Hindrances. We all have things that hold us back, and setbacks or non-progress in a good coaching relationship are looked at as opportunities to learn about you as a person. How you work, what your strengths and weaknesses are and what you need to help you progress. It should feel like a safe and fun place to experiment, to go down blind alleys, to get stuck, to feel confused, to fail and to learn and know that all of this is moving you forwards.
Perspectives and self-awareness. A great coach will support and challenge you, get you thinking and not judge any of your answers. You will find over the journey that you start to look at things in different ways to be curious yourself about how you are thinking, what assumptions you are making and what is really most important to you.
Beliefs: A great coaching relationship will inevitably shift your beliefs about yourself, others and the world in a positive way. You will begin to believe in your own creativity and resourcefulness and the effects will filter into areas of your life that you hadn’t expected.
So if you would like to find out a bit more and see if we are a good match let's have a "chemistry meeting". It will take about 30 minutes and the only thing you need to commit is your time.
"Anna had a fun, supportive and relaxed style which made me feel instantly safe and secure in exploring what I could do to improve and develop myself which was extremely empowering. I discovered lots about myself and challenged my old ways of thinking. It was amazing how quickly I started to see results through simple changes. The great thing was I felt it not only added value to my time in work but also my personal life too. I cannot recommend Anna and coaching in general enough!"
/ Vicki S /