There is a crack in everything


I am in the middle of redecorating my meditation room to make it into an even more beautiful space so I can use it for healing.  Two of the walls and the ceiling had lots of cracks in and the other walls had wallpaper with small bubbles along the edges. My fella Alex said I should fix all of this before painting and with an impatient sigh as I knew he was right I started to fill the cracks, and fix the wallpaper. It turned into a lovely thing to do, looking for the next thing to fix and then finally sanding down all the rough edges, including the lines where the wallpaper met. It is the most preparation I have ever done. And the result...

I am seeing cracks everywhere. Huge ones that I had never noticed before. I walk through the house and I just keep seeing cracks and wallpaper faults.

And this is the nature of the mind. What you focus on is what you see. And the mind will miss all the parts of the wall that are crack free. Which is thankfully much the larger part of the walls. And it will very likely miss the sun shining outside the window or the face of a loved one. It is so easy to miss the beauty of life.

What are you focusing on?
Does it serve you?


Come and join me for Kundalini yoga this evening and focus on the body and the breath. Just feeling how it feels on the inhale, how it feels on the exhale. It has a wealth of information of how you are and what you need. Stretch and release all the stresses and tensions from the body. Let go. Come back to listening to your inner self.  Relax and be held by the gong and rest in the peace within yourself.

Love, Amrit Jiwan xx  
PS I have now finished, but there are still faults... however I am reminding myself of Leonard Cohen's words...

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
— Leonard Cohen
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